Jill Rosch
2 min readOct 17, 2023

Our mother took care of our father. Wives take care of their husbands. Mothers take care of their children. And there are some women who take care of men who wouldn’t even give a straight answer to who they are.

Grandma basica has taught us that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. So when he doesn’t want to take us on a real date, we don’t see that as a sign of disrespect. We see it as an opportunity to cook.

Dude is stressed out about his life, and since we’re taught that a good woman is also a good provider, we help him pay his bills. Dude isn’t calling like he used to, so we remember how good he said the deed was, and then we go over to remind him what he’s missing. All these things are what good girls do, and everyone says good girls are rewarded.

When women don’t get the results from a man spoiled with food, sex or money, women get confused. Women forget one thing: they’re not your real man. You’re spoiling a man who is a loser by making false promises.

Making a man makes you happy because you think that leads to eternal love and devotion. Ha! Girl, you should do stand-up comedy.

Breaking your neck for a man just so he can tell you “You’re not like the rest of these hoes”. But you’re like the rest of these hoes because you put men over self.

Compliments don’t cost shit and here are we sell ourselves short for a pat on the head

Women like to save these men because they have a good heart and a hard-knock story. FUCK HIS SOB STORY. He’s not interviewing for a scholarship, he’s trying to be your man! So either he proves himself or keep moving!

Never want anyone to the point you compromise your value. Weak bitches are understanding. Strong women make men understand.

You disrespect yourself when you beg someone for BARE MINIMUM things like love, attention, affection, support, reciprocation, etc. Don’t do that shit again.

